Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why I love Weight Watchers..

I really do love Weight Watchers and here is why..
  • It isn't a diet, it just teaches you to eat right.
  • You can still eat whatever you want. You just learn to eat smarter.
  • I have chocolate almost everyday still :)
  • You can go out to eat.
And last but not least, it works! It's definitely not one of those fad diets where you lose everything overnight but it's something that is easy to stick to. My mom has lost almost 100 pounds in 20 months. She gained weight during her cancer treatments and I'm so proud of her for losing it again. I've been back on the program for almost 4 weeks and as of today I have lost 7.8 pounds. And I'm not one to lose weight quickly because of my PCOS, so I'm excited because that loss is really good for me!

I also picked up Zumba for the wii a couple of days ago and I love love love it! It's not nearly as fun as going to the classes but it's convenient and Bella likes to dance with me too. I can honestly say I haven't felt this good about myself in a long time. It's crazy how different you feel when you are eating healthy. So my new years resolution (and pretty much everyone elses..) is to be healthy and fit for 2011! Bring it on!

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