Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Yesterday Bella and I went shopping during the day with her Grandma. I didn't think Bella was feeling very good and she was grumpy. She started running a fever so we left her with grandpa and went looking for some Tylenol (3 stores later we find out that there is still a shortage of it from the recall). By the time we got home, she was up from her nap and feeling much better. She said she wanted to go Trick or Treating so we got her dressed and headed out. By then the rain had stopped and her daddy was home from work. She is a natural at trick or treating! She is still pretty shy so I was surprised that she ran right up to a strangers door and started knocking.  Everyone loved her and thought she was adorable, especially when she waved bye bye to them!

Uncle Ty and the Queen Bee

Tonight we just relaxed and I made Cheesy Potato soup & Pumpkin Spice Muffins. It was delicious and the perfect way ending to Halloween!

I swear it tasted better than this picture looks :)


HaPpY hALlOwEeN eVeRyOnE!

1 comment:

Clemments Family said...

Yummy! Bob made potato soup Friday night.

Bella looks adorable.