Sunday, July 15, 2012

A series of fortunate (and unfortunate) events

Just before our wedding, I got into the best shape I have ever been in as an adult. I will never ever forget the way that it felt to be thinner. It was easier to buy clothes, I felt better and I had a ton more energy. Through a series of fortunate (and unfortunate) events I gained that weight back. Several pregnancies have definitely taken a toll on my body. And sometimes, okay a lot of times, I just don't eat right.

- I seriously could live on junk food. It may make me feel like a slug and gain 500 pounds but I'd be perfectly satisfied.
- I have a really hard time eating meat. I'd become a vegetarian but I've always been afraid that I'd just eat junk food all the time.
- I've always hated working out until I started going to Zumba. It's seriously the funnest workout ever. It's the only thing I've EVER looked forward to.

But even with those things against me, I have a real desire to be HEALTHY. My mom had a heart attack at the age of 38. My maternal grandfather died of a heart attack and my maternal grandmother died after going into a diabetic coma. They were in their very early forties. I need to be healthy for me and my family. I want to teach my girls to eat right and be active from an early age. I want it to be natural for them.

Exercise: I mentioned I found a new workout called TurboFire and that will be my exercise plan. I started it and made it 4 days.. and then quit. So tomorrow is day 1 and I am excited. There is a 90 day schedule, working out 6 days a week and I intend to follow that through to the end. I also want to start going to Zumba again.. either as a replacement for one of the days or in addition to my TF workout.


 Eating: I joined a nutrition challenge on Facebook and it starts TOMORROW! It's a clean eating challenge and it goes for 6 weeks. If you haven't ever heard of clean eating, basically you want to eat foods in their whole natural state. No preservatives or added junk. You eat lots of fruits, veggies, lean proteins and healthy carbs. I've been browsing lots of websites and really love the recipes and information on The Gracious Pantry.

By posting everything, I know it will help hold me to some accountability. Wish me luck! I'll post an update next week!

1 comment:

AZ Chadwick's said...

You go Sunny! I know you can do it. Have fun and good luck!