Friday, June 24, 2011

Enjoy the simple things..

I could really take some lessons from a little girl who has only experienced this world for a little over two years. How amazing is it that kids see the good in everything and appreciate the small things SO much?

Today we went to the train station to take pictures of my best friend's kids. Bella found some garden rocks to play with and just after I told her to not play with them, she dropped one on her big toe. :( She was so sad! We ended up cutting the "session" short because she was hysterical and I took her home. I felt so bad because she was so excited to see the trains but we will make a special trip for that very soon.

Anyway.. after a day with lots of snuggling, popsicles, a grilled cheese sandwich, extra long bath time and silky frog jammies, she is the happiest clam ever. She even had a talk with her big toe and told it "I'm so so sowry that I hurt you so so bad!" Seriously, she's the cutest thing ever!

So instead of getting frustrated because the house is too messy, my hair never goes the way that I want it, and my life is total chaos most days.. I'm just going to appreciate the small things and enjoy life more! 

Bella and her best buddy Jake. They are SO cute!

1 comment:

Clemments Family said...

SO cute and I totally agree. I try to enjoy the simple and little things in life. I wish sometimes that I could be a kid again.