Wednesday, January 26, 2011

23 months

1 more month until Bella's 2nd birthday!

What Bella's been up to:
Favorite word: Wow! The world is amazing to this tiny tot.
She really understands the concept of off and on. She will say "hot on" in the car if she is cold. Same with lights, she knows the difference if the light is on or off. She covers her eyes and says "light off" and "dark in there". She's a nut!
She has been saying the word "cute" a lot. Dada cute. Mama cute. So sweet :)
We have been working on emotions and she knows the difference between happy, sad and mad. Her mad face is adorable!
Favorite book: Mommy's cookbooks. Why? I have no idea but she could look at them forever.
She is really nice about saying "sorry". "Thank you" is another story. Don't know why!
If she gets in trouble or is mad at you she will call you mean. Ty took the ball she was playing with the other day and she said "Ty Ty mean" for days and days.
She looovvveees the sun and the moon. Hi sun! Hi moon! You would think they were her best friends.
She knows some of her colors. Pink, orange, yellow, purple and blue. Sometimes she forgets or gets them mixed up but she does great with them.
She knows some of her shapes.
She can count to three!
She tries to sing the ABCs.

And our big update... Bella used the potty! It's a long story but we tried the Fast Track method to potty training one day and she just wasn't into it. She asked for her diaper to be put on so I did and decided to try again a different day. About a week later she kept asking to sit on the potty and eventually did her deed! I'm so proud! She's used it a couple of times but we are going to devote another day to the Fast Track method again and get this done.

My sweet princess
She may not be smiling but at least she is looking at the camera!

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